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Janet Thompson OBE

Janet Thompson OBE

CEO, Open Thinking partnership

Janet is passionate about inclusion and creating a sense of wellbeing and belonging for all.She has worked in education for over 35 years and is an ardent supporter of ensuringchildren and young people with a diverse range of needs can access the best possibleeducational provision leading to successful and aspirational future life choices. She wasawarded an OBE in October 2020 for services to education. Janet is currently the CEO ofOpen Thinking Partnership, a small collaborative Multi Academy Trust which works in closepartnership with other trusts and individual schools. Prior to her current role Janet hasbeen headteacher of three different schools and worked for 10 years as one of HerMajesty's Inspectors for Ofsted including as National Adviser for SEND.

In Ofsted my role as National Advisor for SEND was focussed on raising aspirations andoutcomes for this cohort of young people. I was also part of the Ofsted schoolimprovement programme with schools in categories of concern. I was Vice Chair of theRochford Review 2016. I then continued to work with the Department of Education as amember of the expert panel reviewing assessment for pupils working at a pre-subjectspecific stage. I was also a member of the decision making panel for Bercow: Ten Years Onan independent review of the state of provision for children’s speech, language andcommunication needs SLCN, published in 2018. I am a Trustee of a Multi Academy Trustwhich has primary and secondary schools. I am also a Trustee of Centre for Research inEarly Childhood - CREC
